Filter based on ACL

How can I query the ā€œNoteā€ class (see picture below) for the ACL: "role: ā€œGroup2ā€. So when I query through the Note class I want to filter out Objects with a specific role.

Here is a picture of the Notes class.

So normally if I want to query for the objectId I do the following thing and it works:

 async function querySomething(objectId) {

            const Notes = Moralis.Object.extend("Note");
            const query = new Moralis.Query(Notes);
            query.equalTo("objectId", objectId);
            const results = await query.find();



But I donā€™t know how to query ACL. When I try I this Iā€™m getting an error:

        async function querySomething(roleName) {

            const Notes = Moralis.Object.extend("Note");
            const query = new Moralis.Query(Notes);
            query.equalTo("ACL", roleName);
            const results = await query.find();




Promise {<pending>}
 POST 400
moralis.js:26416 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Cannot query on ACL.
    at handleError (moralis.js:26416:17)
    at async querySomething (wallet.html:121:29)

you could try with master key (on find: await query.find();), not sure if it will be a difference

Seems like I have avoided the problem by adding a new column called ā€œgroupā€ and adding the group name to it.

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It would be nice to get a definitive answer on ACL filtering in general. We currently use a manually created field as well. But making sure the two stay in sync seems unnecessarily risky.

Additionally, we have situations where we want to retrieve certain items that may currently be ā€œunpublishedā€ to the public, but still allow owners to view those items. Using masterkey without any matching leaves everything wide open and seems to be a bad idea. ACL ā€œscopingā€ is preferable.

Any documentation on making use of ACL via both basic Query as well as pipeline? I see we can set it just fine, but it would be nice to filter on it as well.

you can look on the general documentation for parse server as parse serve is used in a Moralis Server

Yes, Iā€™ve done that. Iā€™ve even watched a few of the really outdated videos to get some sense of how to do it. Everything focuses on setting ACL, rather than querying it and acting accordingly.

As an example, I have two test users in an application. If USER 1 creates an entry, the only way both users can view that entry is to set row ACL to public. Even adding both users to ACL (manually) doesnā€™t seem to change access rights.

So, the only ā€œsolutionā€ I see is using masterkey and setting alternate columns that are hopefully in sync with ACL. Really donā€™t want to rely on that.

I donā€™t know the answer. It should be something specific to how parse server works. Every user row is set to be accessible only by current user for security reasons.

It could be easier to create a separate table for those entries specific to users data.