[SOLVED] Event not registering in the database

Hi, I’m following patrick’s course in this link

This is my addEvents.js

const Moralis = require("moralis/node")
const contractAddresses = require("./constants/networkMapping.json")
let chainId = process.env.chainId || 31337
let moralisChainId = chainId == "31337" ? "1337" : chainId
const contractAddress = contractAddresses[chainId]["NftMarketplace"]

const serverUrl = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL
const appId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ID
const masterKey = process.env.masterKey

async function main() {
    await Moralis.start({ serverUrl, appId, masterKey })
    console.log("working with contract address")
    let itemListedOptions = {
        chainId: moralisChainId,
        address: contractAddress,
        sync_historical: true,
        topic: "ItemListed(address,address,uint256,uint256)",
        abi: {
            anonymous: false,
            inputs: [
                    indexed: true,
                    internalType: "address",
                    name: "seller",
                    type: "address",
                    indexed: true,
                    internalType: "address",
                    name: "nftAddress",
                    type: "address",
                    indexed: true,
                    internalType: "uint256",
                    name: "tokenId",
                    type: "uint256",
                    indexed: false,
                    internalType: "uint256",
                    name: "price",
                    type: "uint256",
            name: "ItemListed",
            type: "event",
        tableName: "ItemListed",

    let itemBoughtOptions = {
        chainId: moralisChainId,
        sync_historical: true,
        topic: "ItemBought(address,address,uint256,uint256)",
        abi: {
            anonymous: false,
            inputs: [
                    indexed: true,
                    internalType: "address",
                    name: "buyer",
                    type: "address",
                    indexed: true,
                    internalType: "address",
                    name: "nftAddress",
                    type: "address",
                    indexed: true,
                    internalType: "uint256",
                    name: "tokenId",
                    type: "uint256",
                    indexed: false,
                    internalType: "uint256",
                    name: "price",
                    type: "uint256",
            name: "ItemBought",
            type: "event",
        tableName: "ItemBought",
        address: contractAddress,

    let itemCancelledOptions = {
        chainId: moralisChainId,
        sync_historical: true,
        topic: "ItemCancelled(address,address,uint256)",
        abi: {
            anonymous: false,
            inputs: [
                    indexed: true,
                    internalType: "address",
                    name: "seller",
                    type: "address",
                    indexed: true,
                    internalType: "address",
                    name: "nftAddress",
                    type: "address",
                    indexed: true,
                    internalType: "uint256",
                    name: "tokenId",
                    type: "uint256",
            name: "ItemCancelled",
            type: "event",
        tableName: "ItemCancelled",
        address: contractAddress,

    const listedResponse = await Moralis.Cloud.run("watchContractEvent", itemListedOptions, {
        useMasterKey: true,
    const boughtResponse = await Moralis.Cloud.run("watchContractEvent", itemBoughtOptions, {
        useMasterKey: true,
    const cancelledResponse = await Moralis.Cloud.run("watchContractEvent", itemCancelledOptions, {
        useMasterKey: true,
    if (listedResponse.success && boughtResponse.success && cancelledResponse.success) {
    } else {

    .then(() => process.exit(0))
    .catch((error) => console.error(error))

This is my mint-and-list.js

const { ethers, network } = require("hardhat")
// const { moveBlocks } = require("../utils/move-blocks")

const PRICE = ethers.utils.parseEther("0.1")

async function mintAndList() {
    const nftMarketplace = await ethers.getContract("NftMarketplace")
    const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)
    let basicNft
    //if (randomNumber == 1) {
    //    basicNft = await ethers.getContract("BasicNftTwo")
    //} else {
    basicNft = await ethers.getContract("BasicNft")
    console.log("Minting NFT...")
    const mintTx = await basicNft.mintNft()
    const mintTxReceipt = await mintTx.wait(1)
    const tokenId = mintTxReceipt.events[0].args.tokenId
    console.log("Approving NFT...")
    const approvalTx = await basicNft.approve(
    await approvalTx.wait(1)
    console.log("Listing NFT...")
    const tx = await nftMarketplace.listItem(
    await tx.wait(1)
    console.log("NFT Listed!")
    if (network.config.chainId == 31337) {
        // Moralis has a hard time if you move more than 1 at once!
        // await moveBlocks(1, (sleepAmount = 1000))

    .then(() => process.exit(0))
    .catch((error) => {

My mint-and-list and addEvents are working and 3 events are registered in the event sync status but when I run mint-and-list ItemListed is not updating

this is my app id and server url


I appreciate the help! Thanks!

I don’t see any events synced now, is the local dev chain connected to the server?

yes, I ran it using this

moralis-admin-cli connect-local-devchain --chain hardhat --moralisSubdomain ifpiwjursnbp.usemoralis.com --frpcPath ./frp/frpc.exe

and it is still running? if you look in the admin interface it says that it is connected?


now it looks like you have latest local block number 5 and on the server the latest block number is 11, try that reset local devchain button from there

is it supposed to show something? I tried clicking the button and run mint-and-list again but nothing happens

You can try it also from the legacy interface: legacy.moralis.io, or programmatically:

oh yes now it works! thank you so much! I did it from the legacy interface

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