Ethereum Boilerplate Questions

What do you mean? BNB is not a blockchain, itā€™s a native crypto of BSC

Hi there, I see the Dev chat is busy so I figured Iā€™d ask you guys my unanswered questions on here in regards to the boilerplate. First, how can I add the whale alert dapp to this Ethereum boiler plate? Second, how can I allow only users with a specific token (NFT) to be allowed to access a specific part of the website? I remember seeing a tutorial on your YouTube channel but i cant find it anymore. Lastly, Cardano is emv reverse compatible so is there any way to fetch nft data from cardano as well? I donā€™t want to use an entirely diff API like blockfrost just to accomplish this. If so, can someone guide me in the right direction? Thereā€™s not much info online for that but I plan on minting a portion of my NFT collection on Cardano and would like to only grant access to the main features of the website to all NFT holders crosschain.

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Hi @buru!

  1. Do you mean ?
  2. You can create own easy logic: Get all userā€™s NFTs docs and filter them. Then easy logic like if else
  3. Currnetly we donā€™t support Cardano chain.
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Glad it worked out! Happy BUIDLing!:rocket:


what am i going to do next after installing the 1inch plugin or do i need to code something into the inchdex.jsx to make it work?

Hi @mejmerlin

Thatā€™s all you need. Also, you can specify the network you want to use the Dex on :man_mechanic:
In the boilerplate default network is ETH.

Hi, i am trying to host my front end on GitHub Pages, and Iā€™ve uploaded my new edited files from the eth boilerplate into a new repo with at the ending. This allows me to host my front end through GitHub Pages but when i upload the entire edited eth boiler plate, I get this: which files am i suppose to be leaving out?

Hi I am having trouble after ā€œyarn startā€ and received the following error.

Have you run ā€˜yarn installā€™?

Thanks Ivan. I re-ran a ā€œyarn installā€ and then ā€œyarn startā€ and it opened up in local host but the live server in VSCode doesnā€™t work. Will you bring any burner wallets and in dapp faucets to the boilerplate like in scaffold eth? would be great to not worry about users/addresses or finding faucets online.

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binance smart chain not working in the boilerplate once i connect to binance smart chain the dex disappears how do i fix it

i got this error
PS C:\Users\User\Desktop\wff daps\ethereum-boilerplate-main> npx yarn install
yarn install v1.22.17
[1/4] Resolving packagesā€¦
[2/4] Fetching packagesā€¦
error Couldnā€™t find the binary git

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Hi @MarkyMarx we will add faucets :raised_hands:

Hi @kubkymberly

You need to set this info on settings

Hi @joaoalvesmarrucho. You can ignore the first message, but the second is a problem with Mumbai RPC. I suggest you to edit the src/helpers/networks.js config and change the Mumbai RPC to Speedy Node:
You need to change:

"0x13881": {
    chainId: 80001,
    chainName: "Mumbai",
    currencyName: "MATIC",
    currencySymbol: "MATIC",
    rpcUrl: "",
    blockExplorerUrl: "",

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Iā€™m having this error after I cloned a fork of the Boilerplate:

I did follow all the steps: cloned, npm install, created .env with my app id and server url, npm start.
Whatā€™s weird is that the same project works for one but not for meā€¦
Updated the server too, same. Version issue maybeā€¦

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Hi @nadtn what if you try to provide appId and serverUrl directly to the index.js


Hi! It workedā€¦ :sweat_smile:
Thanks but why?

Line 14:6: React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: ā€˜propsā€™ and ā€˜validatedAddressā€™. Either include them or remove the dependency array. However, ā€˜propsā€™ will change when any prop changes, so the preferred fix is to destructure the ā€˜propsā€™ object outside of the useEffect call and refer to those specific props inside useEffect react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

Search for the keywords to learn more about each warning.
To ignore, add // eslint-disable-next-line to the line before.

Hey @mejmerlin !

You can ignore these warnings. We will remove them in the next update. If you want to do it yourself

  // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

into AddressInput.jsx located in src/components between line 13 and 14.