Ethereum Boilerplate Questions

So nothing in my code is causing the error?

Yes. I thing so. Probably reaching out to 1Inch team will resolve the issue.

Ok thank you for your time!

It would be just amazing with ICO/IDO on it… Look at that into Moralis Eth Boilerplate :heart_eyes:

Hello again! My Header menu doesn’t seem to be converting to the mobile menu with the overflow indicator soon enough. Is there a way to tell the menu to convert to the mobile dropdown menu at a certain window width? See here:

Any help appreciated.


I don’t consider myself a dumb person, maybe not the sharpest tool in the shed but this whole thing boggles me I cant even get past the clone section of the tutorial -git is not a recognised command, yarn isn’t a recognised command.

First time using visual composer but already not liking much :slight_smile: And help on where to even get started.

You are just at start Magpie, and you are very welcome :blush:

1st - instal Node.js (version 16) i got problems with 17
Allow it to install ALL components/dependencies

2nd - install Yarn with this command
sudo npm install -g yarn
You can see if you correctly installed all of the above typing
node -v (for node.js)
yarn-v (for yarn)
node --version (for node.js)
yarn --version (for yarn)
3rd - install React with commands down bellow
npx create-react-app my-app

cd my-app

npm start
After that try to follow the tutorial :blush:

I think you should be ready to go :crossed_fingers:

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You sir are an absolute legend. I was going crazy, help documents were sending me around in circles. That just cleared up the issues and now I can follow along! I thank you immensely.

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You are welcome!
We are here to help one each other :wink:

To call your header menu earlier, try to set your justifyContent to left.

Thank you. But is there a way to set the switch with a media query?
The left justify did not make a difference.


I think now it’s time for css people to jump in and help you.

Can I manually get a signature from MetaMask? I tried to use the same functionality as web3 on web, like signer.signMessage(), then it will give you back the signature.

Thank you for at least giving me your time!

I created a solution by wrapping the menu in a 70px wide div so that the menu would always be a mobile menu, even on desktop. Now, if I want to, I can use a media query to adjust it on different devices and have the menu items visible or not at different breakpoints.

I was sure you will be able to find a way to work around it, and here you are :slight_smile:
Best of luck!

I am keep getting this error

  Line 0:  Parsing error: ImportDeclaration should appear when the mode is ES6 and in the module context

Could someone help me here?
Appreciate your help

Check if there are any node_modules in your parent directory. If so, delete them.

Hello everyone, its possible already to add Solana into “Chains”?

Hey buddy, I have installed and run start the boilerplate working perfectly.

But I don’t need it to get the token balance of the wallet connected. I want it to detect the token balance of just one address that can be viewable by everybody. How do I do that?
