Ethereum Boilerplate Questions

I think he is looking for a slippage changer like this

Hey @Mike

There is no search bar currently. Itā€™ll be added after the boilerplate update

Take a look at this topic. There is info about adding slippage and custom tokens

Hi!, IĀ“m using the Explore market function in the boilerplate, but the call to the contract that has the collection, example Doodles. but the fetch is always of the first 10 assets.

I would like to progressively fetch tokens in calls of 20 or 50 assets to have a button of (show more assets), every click in the (show more assets) button should fetch the next 20 or 50 nfts of the collection.

ThereĀ“s a funcion that can do it?

I see the same issue on my local install as well as the Morales demo ( Have you gotten anywhere with this? I havenā€™t dug much into the code yet, still feeling around. Was this functionality not fully deployed in the Boilerplate?

The real answer is this package is not maintained and they left it up the the scaffold-eth team. Check out and . Just use your Moralis info in hardhat and the frontend instead of Infura.

Change line 12 {overflowedIndicator} in MenuItems.jsx :slight_smile:

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My view collection isnā€™t responding, please help

when I click ā€œview collectionā€ from the explore market, it not loading, just blank
I need help please

Did you already setup the env file with your moralis server credentials? , Show me a console log when you do the click in the ā€œview collectionā€ link.

I found a function in the moralis API for do a fetch with a limit of assets and filters called searchNFTs

Iā€™ts an API function that can fast fetch a collection from a contract, but it would be nice to have the option of filter by ids.

const options = { q: ā€œPancakeā€, chain: ā€œbscā€, filter: ā€œnameā€ };
const NFTs = await Moralis.Web3API.token.searchNFTs(options);

please i have cloned the boilerplate to my cpanel my issue is how to run the yarn install command on cpanel and run the app, please help

Here is what I got in the console

Thank you @dmarcicontent, I fixed it already
My server was sleeping already, I revived it and its up and good

Thanks for your support

IĀ“m glad to read that!

Iā€™m not so sure about cpanel, but you should try to build a CI/CD pipeline that will not only install the dependencies, build your project which then you can serve your app :raised_hands:

how can add single erc20 token balance based on chain display on react website

i try this


result here

it show the token this address 0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174 but this usdc token address on polygon. i want show the balance on usdc on userā€™s address to header of website like 1inch

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How can I change the contract page and change it to my own contract?
and can i change the site to being responsive?

And is it possible to use my own ref links for 1inch and onramp?

You must update your components/ERC20Balance as well.

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So for those of us who had working projects and they suddenly broke with the last update we have to copy the new repository and re-do all the changes again? Whatā€™s the point of using the boilerplate and Moralis if every change they make will break everything and render the app unusable?