Error in production in vue, TypeError: Right-hand side of ‘instanceof’ is not callable

Also having this issue, has anyone been able to resolve it? I’m deploying from a vite app


I’m also having the same issue guys. Any workaround?

Have you seen this topic?

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Yes, we did already and the error persists.

Ok. What solutions have you tried from that topic?

I will spend some time today with a Vite/React/Moralis project to have a look.

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We’ve tried all solutions so far such as replacing react-moralis for moralis sdk, configuring commonjs vite plugin and more. Right now we are working on the moralis sdk package itself to see if we can do something. I will keep you guys updated.

I have not been able to find a solution. For me the error only happens when using MoralisProvider; seems to be related to bundling. Unfortunately not using MoralisProvider is not really a solution as that negates the purpose of react-moralis entirely.

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Hi everyone, I actually found a solution for my problem, and maybe you guys are coming across the same problem.

I got rid of this error and I was able to build successfully my project:

Parsing error: Invalid right-hand side in an assignment expression

The problem I found is in 3 files (The image attached has the fixes already):

Basically, you will have to remove the function interopRequireDefault() from imports in three files:

  • ParseFile
  • ParseGeoPoint
  • ParsePolygon
  • ParseObject
  • ParseACL
  • ParseOp
  • ParseRelation

and in the file node_modules/moralis/lib/browser/Cloud.js

  • ./decode
  • _encode
  • ParseError
  • ParseQuery

Unfortunately, this is inside the moralis package so maybe someone will see this post and will improve it, the Parse files are actually coming with a default object duplicated because of this function, and maybe the way vite is building the project. (I’m not sure)

function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
    "default": obj

module.exports = _interopRequireDefault, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;

as the example below:

   default: {
    _esModule: true,
    default: {}

Hopefully, it can be helpful for anyone around here who was struggling to build the react project with Vite because of Moralis SDK.


Wonderful, can you please post this on the Moralis GitHub SDK page?

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Sure @alex, I’ll try to do this as soon as possible.

Hi @degueba are you able to post it in Moralis Github SDK? I would like to track the issue.

Hi guys, I was going to post it in Moralis Github SDK, however I found a better way to solve the issue.

1 - You will remove react-moralis from your repository
2 - Add this line of code in your index.html

<!-- Moralis -->
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/moralis.js"></script>
      window.Moralis = Moralis;

3 - Now everything that you want to use from Moralis you should use this way:

Such as the following to start the connection.

    serverUrl: SERVER_URL,
    appId: APP_ID,

Thank you for this suggestion. I was able to get Moralis to play nice with SvelteKit in production following a similar approach in my app.html file.

I’ll also make a note that if anyone also wants window.Moralis to be fully typed, they still install the Moralis SDK from NPM, and then declare a global interface. In Sveltekit this is done in app.d.ts but I’m sure Vue and React follow a similar approach.

import type Moralis from 'moralis/types';

declare global {
  interface Window {
    Moralis: Moralis;

I know the Moralis SDK is undergoing a revamp, so I do hope the team will consider fully supporting frameworks that are built around Vite so we don’t have to use these hacky workarounds.

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Has there been any updates/fixes to this issue?
I’m getting the same “TypeError: Right-hand side of ‘instanceof’ is not callable” error when building a Vite+React App.
I would love to avoid going back to CRA, please.


There’s an issue opened regarding that

Thanks. Just commented on the issue but it seems there are no proposed solutions yet besides the CDN workaround.

is there anyone get over it yet?

Can you make a new thread with more details please.

it relates to the current as well asl the current was not resolved so why do we need to create new thread?
Here is full log i got:

TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not callable
  at encode(../node_modules/react-moralis/lib/index.esm.js:13958:7)
  at default(../node_modules/react-moralis/lib/index.esm.js:14042:10)
  at run(../node_modules/react-moralis/lib/index.esm.js:92033:31)
  at run(../node_modules/react-moralis/lib/index.esm.js:91960:52)
  at call(../node_modules/react-moralis/lib/index.esm.js:98460:35)
  at tryCatch(../node_modules/react-moralis/lib/index.esm.js:8138:40)
  at _invoke(../node_modules/react-moralis/lib/index.esm.js:8369:22)
  at key(../node_modules/react-moralis/lib/index.esm.js:8194:21)
  at asyncGeneratorStep(../node_modules/react-moralis/lib/index.esm.js:8871:20)
  at _next(../node_modules/react-moralis/lib/index.esm.js:8893:9)
  at ? (../node_modules/react-moralis/lib/index.esm.js:8900:7)
  at new Promise(<anonymous>)

Are you using Vue/Vite like the original issue? We need more info e.g. your project’s dependencies.