Error in Moralis credentials signin

My application does not have a domain name configured. When signing in, I encountered a 401 permission error. Please tell me how I need to configure it


Hey @lizhixian,

Can you let me know what version of the @moralisweb3/next SDK are you using? and how do you get the 401 error?

Also I recommend that you email [email protected] to reset your API key as it has been compromised and will be a security risk for your Moralis account.

@moralisweb3/next”: “^2.12.0”

Response: {“url”:“http://localhost:3000/api/auth/error?error=CredentialsSignin&provider=moralis-auth”}

I have reset the key

Would you please check it for me again?

Hi @lizhixian
It seems to work for me in the latest version. So i think it is not an issue with the sdk version.

Were you able to see the message in the metamask extension before the error?

There is no error message after the signature and confirmation of matemask. It seems that everything is normal. The error should come from moralis

If you are seeing the message in metamask then it is not an error from the moralis. Authorization error can also come from next-auth.

Did you setup [...nextauth].ts as shown in the tutorial?

401 should be a permission problem. Is there a problem with my configuration?


Your code looks ok too.
Apart for the error in browser console, did you find any error in vs code console?

hi hello john

I need your help…

I’m unable to open followup page running ypur repository

Can you kindly come to a zoom meeting so that we can resolve the issue

Hi @chakradhar
Replied you here

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