[SOLVED] Enabling whitelist on server prevents access to db dashboard

I’m having trouble whitelisting the server access:

  1. I’m trying to allow ‘localhost’ development access, added my http://.xxx.xxx ( external IP) but still no access on localhost.

  2. Worse, I don’t have access to the db dashboard anymore when I enable whitelisting like so:

When I disable it, dashboard loads again. I even tried to whitelist the server itself haha but that’s obviously should not matter.

can you find out what domain should be added to whitelist that corresponds to the dashboard interface?

with the db dashboard, I mean xxxx.usemoralis.com:2083/apps/moralisDashboard/browser, so the internal moralis dashboard…

yes, I know, can you add that dashboard domain to whitelist?

I did try that already, see screen, makes no difference. Besides, that should be the same server as the db no?
Also what I noticed with whitelisting is that you also have to add subdomains separately, as I’m using admin.domain.com back end) and domain.com (front end). I was ‘expecting’ the subdomain admin.domain.com to work when I whitelist the ‘domain’ domain.com

Did you try to also add the port number?

it looks like it worked in this case

thanks that worked :pray:

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