There is no NEXT_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL and master key from now on, since Moralis changed:
I want to upgrade the code but have no idea, can someone help me, thanks.
const contractAddresses = require("./constants/networkMapping.json")
let chainId = process.env.chainId || 31337
let moralisChainId = chainId == "31337" ? "1337" : chainId
const contractAddress = contractAddresses[chainId]["NftMarketplace"][0]
const serverUrl = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL
const appId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ID
const masterKey = process.env.masterKey
async function main() {
await Moralis.start({ serverUrl, appId, masterKey })
console.log(`Working with contrat address ${contractAddress}`)
let itemListedOptions = {
// Moralis understands a local chain is 1337
chainId: moralisChainId,
sync_historical: true,
topic: "ItemListed(address,address,uint256,uint256)",
address: contractAddress,
const listedResponse = await"watchContractEvent", itemListedOptions, {
useMasterKey: true,