Cloning OpenSea NFT Boilerplate Questions

An example of what you asked for; it syncs all NFT data for a collection to the server, then pulls the latest NFTs by token_id with an input to filter by MarketItems only.

You can read through the docs on how to use the DB: and then go through all of the components to learn how each part works. The example more or less involves copying and pasting in the right places as it’s based on the boilerplate.

For searching, you can use a tutorial like this.

For those options on OpenSea, you will need to implement those yourself. So get counts of collections, find out the lower price, use the API to get NFT owners. And then customize your components appropriately. These additions are more React/JavaScript concepts, not Moralis specific.

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Hi ser

I’m coming back to you because I have 2 problems.

The 1: when I reload the page I have this error ( when I backtrack too )

Error 404 - Not found

The required file was not found. It may be a technical error. Please retry later. If you cannot access the file after several attempts, it has been deleted.

The 2: I can’t sell NFTs with more than 3 digits
999 CRO maximum

Thanks again

I have searched all over the forum but I haven’t found anything that works for me

There is another person who could not sell above 999 Matic but the solution was not published either

I just rebuilt the whole thing and I still have the same problem

The 1: when I reload the page I have this error ( when I backtrack too )

Error 404 - Not found

The required file was not found. It may be a technical error. Please retry later. If you cannot access the file after several attempts, it has been deleted.

The 2: I can’t sell NFTs with more than 3 digits

I don’t know what to do anymore :sweat_smile: :thinking:

My nft marketplace is only fetching 100 nfts when in reality I have 200 NFTs in that collection.
when I change the number to 200 in both NFTTokenids.jsx and useNFTTokenid.js then NFt are shown in explore tab. w

{inputValue !== "explore" &&
            NFTTokenIds.slice(0, 100).map((nft, index) => {  }


= useMoralisWeb3ApiCall(token.getAllTokenIds, {
    chain: chainId,
    address: addr,
    limit: 100,

Are you the owner of all 200 NFTs

The max page size or limit is 100. You will have to use the cursor parameter to get the next page.

There’s an example of looping through results with cursor here.

yes I am the owner of the 200 NFTs

what exactly did you mean with the cursor? Am i getting all the nfts when I change the limit to 200 and all I have to do is change th NFTTokenIds.jsx code?

Limits are 100 max, so if you want to get the next 100 results, you will need to use the cursor parameter - the first API response will return a cursor string which you pass into the next API call you make to get the next page, and so on.

You can test using it in your admin dashboard for getAllTokenIds or /nft/{address}.

Hi ser
 I need help too lol.

You need to update your oneInch plugin for your Moralis server; Go to your Moralis dashboard then Plugins > Update link.

Humm dont work ser

Really dumb question but please help me with this one. I put in the details in the moralis admin dashboard to get the nfts. For cursor, I put null as it is used here: but I am getting an invalid cursor message in the dashboard.

You don’t put null in this case, that example is for looping through all the results with cursor in code.

From the dashboard, do a regular API call, and then put that response’s cursor string (it looks something like eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsIn...) into the cursor field and run it again to get the next page.

What error are you getting? Can you still not sell NFTs with more than 3 digits? Try restarting your server.

Yes, I have already restarted it and I also have this problem: when I reload the page I have this error ( when I backtrack too )

Error 404 - Not found
The required file was not found. It may be a technical error. Please retry later. If you cannot access the file after several attempts, it has been deleted.

Here is what I am getting when I don’t put anything in cursor field

Response body
  "total": 0,
  "page": 0,
  "page_size": 100,
  "cursor": "",
  "result": [],
  "status": "SYNCED"
  "status": "SYNCING",
  "total": 2000,
  "page": 2,
  "page_size": 100,
  "cursor": "string",
  "result": [
      "token_address": "0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e",
      "token_id": "15",
      "contract_type": "ERC721",
      "owner_of": "0x057Ec652A4F150f7FF94f089A38008f49a0DF88e",
      "block_number": "88256",
      "block_number_minted": "88256",
      "token_uri": "string",
      "metadata": "string",
      "synced_at": "string",
      "amount": "1",
      "name": "CryptoKitties",
      "symbol": "RARI",
      "token_hash": "502cee781b0fb40ea02508b21d319ced",
      "last_token_uri_sync": "2021-02-24T00:47:26.647Z",
      "last_metadata_sync": "2021-02-24T00:47:26.647Z"

I don’t see any 34sgjka678uinckc7fg71ij as cursor value. Also, name of the contract is not Aliens but it’s showing CryptoKitties

This looks like an unrelated error but you can post a screenshot of this 404 page. Can you post your Moralis serverUrl.

You need to click “Try it out” next to Parameters so you can actually put in your own address, etc. And then click the big “Execute” button at the bottom. That is just a default example you’re seeing.