Cloning OpenSea NFT Boilerplate Questions

This seems to be working fine for me, Importing the Button from ant-design :+1::

          {inputValue !== "explore" && (
              {NFTTokenIds.slice(0, 20).map((nft, index) => (
                    <Tooltip title="View On Blockexplorer">
                        onClick={() =>
                    <Tooltip title="Buy NFT">
                        onClick={() => handleBuyClick(nft)}
                  style={{ width: 240, border: "2px solid #e7eaf3" }}
                      src={nft.image || "error"}
                      style={{ height: "240px" }}
                  {getMarketItem(nft) && (
                    <Badge.Ribbon text="Buy Now" color="green"></Badge.Ribbon>
                  <Meta title={} description={`#${nft.token_id}`} />
              <Button> hi </Button>

Hey @Cipher,

Hope we can get you going. Yeah, it doesn’t seem ideal that you are getting those errors when running yarn install not 100% sure whats up with that, but the warnings although don’t look great shouldn’t prevent from running the app, just seems mostly like there are variables that are assigned from the ethereum-boilerplate that are not used in the marketplace :+1:

Could you try and get the ethereum-boilerplate (from the time of recording the tutorial) running, as per this post:

If that works at least then you could possibly follow along the tutorial?

Hey @victorfcm,

So your marketplace smart contract is emitting MarketItemCreated events, but you are not able to sync this into your Moralis server DB?

Can you send your marketplace contract address and what chain you deployed it on and if you made any changes to the contract send them over as well :slight_smile:

this is where i have the code from already

and no it will not work

Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it, if Capital (B) Button it does not work for me? only gave blank page, even though I import Button from react? but when I change it to small letter it works for me. As long as work for me I am happy :slight_smile: and to be honest I’ve done a lot modifications in the code and all works fine but only remain this things (loading button) I tried different scenarios but still does not work? what I am assuming that we don’t need a shift parameter, we only require when press button (load more) and call the NFT address it will fetch a new set of NFT (different from that already on the page) lets say at first when click View Collection button, it will load 20 NFT and our load more button it will appear in the end of page, then when press the load more button it should load more 20 NFT that not already on the page, I guess we don’t need to shift parameter as the collection size: on the top of the page shows the right number of collection lets say 100.
What I include now under the load button is:
onPress={() => setInputValue(nft?.addrs)}
// onClick={() => setInputValue(nft?.addrs)}
but both said nft is not defined?
Any idea please. and sorry for long

Hey @IAmJaysWay , my contract is 0x586cB8D1B748d8159496681E9A8F2871Dd099E7a on the Mumbai network.

Is your repository NFT marketplace different to the one on this forum? It seems to run differently and with more options. Does it let anyone create, buy and sell NFT? For example, your instructions don’t say to sync ‘MarketItems’. Thanks

Hi Team, I follow step by step the video " I Cloned OpenSea in 2 Hours - Building a Cross-Chain NFT Marketplace FULL COURSE" until get this error “Error: This contract object doesn’t have address set yet, please set an address first.” when I am trying to createMarketItem, I debug the contractObject and everything look fine.
My contract is deployed and verified in the Polygon Main Network

My contract is sync with the moralis server AppIDQwk7CMs19oYKaQ25MPJtnnjziI6VxtLfTvnFb4mv

somebody can help me with this issue ? thanks

Best regard

The Capital letter Button is imported from ant design :slight_smile:

As for your onClick event you could try something like this:

//Additions and Modifications in NFTTokenIds.jsx

  const [ limit, setLimit ] = useState(3)    
  const { NFTTokenIds, totalNFTs, fetchSuccess } = useNFTTokenIds(inputValue, limit);

  function moreNFTs() {
    setLimit(limit + 1)
  }.    //make sure you call this function onClick of button
//Modifications in useNFTTokenIds.js

export const useNFTTokenIds = (addr, limit) => { //pass limit param to the hook
  } = useMoralisWeb3ApiCall(token.getAllTokenIds, {
    chain: chainId,
    address: addr,
    limit: limit,     // use limit param here

Hopefully this puts you on the right path :slight_smile: I’d also suggest dabbling with the offset param and concatenating fetched NFTs to already fetched NFTs so you dont have to fetch already fetched ones multiple times… just a thought for you

I mean, try starting off with just the base ethereum-boilerplate ( and see if that even works for you :slight_smile: and then we can work from there. The instructions in the previous post are to clone the base ethereum-boilerplate used at the time of making the tutorial :+1:

Hey @victorfcm,

I was able to sync all your smartcontracts MarketItemCreated() events into Moralis DB like so:


MarketItemCreated(uint256, address, uint256, address, address, uint256, bool)


  "anonymous": false,
  "inputs": [
      "indexed": true,
      "internalType": "uint256",
      "name": "itemId",
      "type": "uint256"
      "indexed": true,
      "internalType": "address",
      "name": "nftContract",
      "type": "address"
      "indexed": true,
      "internalType": "uint256",
      "name": "tokenId",
      "type": "uint256"
      "indexed": false,
      "internalType": "address",
      "name": "seller",
      "type": "address"
      "indexed": false,
      "internalType": "address",
      "name": "owner",
      "type": "address"
      "indexed": false,
      "internalType": "uint256",
      "name": "price",
      "type": "uint256"
      "indexed": false,
      "internalType": "bool",
      "name": "sold",
      "type": "bool"
  "name": "MarketItemCreated",
  "type": "event"



This should work for you as well :+1:

Could you show what your your list() function looks like in the NFTBalance.jsx file. :slight_smile:

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Hi @IAmJaysWay Thanks,
Yes this is my list function.

  async function list(nft, currentPrice){
    const p = currentPrice * ("1e" + 18);
    const ops = {
      contractAdress: marketAddress,
      functionName: listItemFunction,
      abi: contractABIJson,
      params : {
        nftContract: nft.token_address,
        tokenId: nft.token_id,  
        price: String(p)

    await contractProcessor.fetch({

      params: ops,
      onSuccess: () => {
        alert("Item Bougth");
      onError: (error) => {

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NO it does not work. i am getting the same issues right from the start
i also tried with version 1.22.17 and get same errors. i have also tried with different node version and still the same.
only way i can make it get past this issue is to do yarn install --ignore-engines

its exactly the same the react components are re ordered but it works just fine

Hi @IAmJaysWay

Dont worry about this, now is solved, typo issue in "contractAddress ".


1 Like

Hi Team

I have a new issue.
Fail with error ‘ERC721: transfer caller is not owner nor approved’

Do you have any idea about what could be the problem ?

My Markertplace Contract address : 0x67CB3e9e5d0EEB7f94DA13D9196A341b65e1d661
I am trying to List an NFT from this collection =>
NFT collection address: 0xe82953BBd215c67ee51D0497dE7B07b2596D7d2F

Thank you
I modified both NFTTokenIds.jsx and useNFTTokenIds.js as above and assign the function to the button but noting happen! for alert is working fine but when call moreNFTs function and press the button noting happen!

style={{height: ‘70px’, width : ‘200px’,color: “#000”,fontSize:‘18px’}}
title=‘Load more NFT…’
//onClick={()=>{ alert(‘Load more NFT’); }}>Load More
onClick={moreNFTs}>Load More

@ennng Try,

onClick={() => moreNFTs()}


Make sure you actually have the NFT in you wallet, that you are listing with. Also you may need to manually setApprocalForAll for the smart contract address. A button to approve an NFT, before listing is updated in the final boilerplate.

I tried but still nothing! when pressed the button