Cant verify SmartContract on bscscan nor on remix

The imports are meant to make your code a little more easier to use. Once compiled, all the code comes into a single file anyway. If you manually add all your code into a single file, you don’t need to add the imports. Its just a standard way of development that developers follow.

Looks like your contract is verified on bscScan right now. Is there anything else you’d like to clear up or does everything work good?

Looking forward to your response! :slight_smile:

Apperently bscscan verifies some standard contracts automatically, so I still dont know how to verify a contract with imports

Hi, Can you verify my contract on bscscan?

What kind of smart contract you have? bsc

It should be easy, can you post what imports it uses?

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I can look in 1-2 hours

thank you in advance

Did you manage to look my contract?

dud you compile it with some specific parameters?

no, i didnt . i deploy exactly as above

i had to change https with XXX as I can’t post link here

I don’t know how to verify it, I also don’t know how you sent that initialSuply parameter in constructor at deploy.

so, solution is to deploy a new contract?

maybe, or you can live it this way without validating it, you don’t have to necessarily validate it