Cannot connect to Websocket

Still cannot connect. Mobile Internet works and my friends also do not have any problems. Only my IP. Also disconnected my Router still wont let me in :frowning:

Does your browser or even router (firewall) block access?
Tried another browser / disable firewall for a moment?
Virus protection software?
Access by smartphone (via your WiFi or GSM data channel) works?

Would not make sense if I had restrictions or still have because I already was connected for hours and suddenly I couldn’t.

As I said before your post … smartphone access with other Internet Access works perfectly.
It really seems that my IP is banned for whatever reason

Yes, and that is what i try to find out… possible by your system itself? Does a restart help to clean some settings?

No nothing works. Very confusing

I informed developers, maybe they can fix this problem.

It works now ! I was temp banned for sure I have no idea how this could happend

@cryptokid your theory could be the truth

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Nice it works (again). or (first check is to enter the page with a selection box with more check functions) can be used to check your side.

Happy coding :slight_smile:

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