Avalanche API /{address}/erc20 returns []

Hi, I created a token in avalanche testnet. Just testing out the web3 apis. However, when I fetch my ERC20 (/{address}/erc20) from my wallet it returns []. However, in the explorer you can see the tokens in my testnet wallet. If I fetch the native avalanche it works fine.
My testnet wallet is 0x9f7f44303F3b303812D88f28ba26500f3FC27c2a where you can find the token that was created just to test the API. Not sure what is missing to make it work

I donโ€™t think that you are doing something wrong, weโ€™ll have to investigate why is not working

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thank you, to be honest Iโ€™m stuck in the Moralis hackaton because of this.

you can call a contract function to get the balance if that would help you

How can I do that within unity ?

maybe we will fix this problem soon, you can do it by calling a cloud function if you donโ€™t have direct access to an web3 instance in unity

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this would be fixed now