API error while checking like allowance on bsc

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Im using sdk only:

Moralis.initialize(process.env.MORALIS_API_KEY); // Application id from moralis.io

Moralis.serverURL = process.env.MORALIS_API_SERVER; //Server url from moralis.io
user = await Moralis.Web3.authenticate();

from far as I know i dont use Web3API for authenticate(),

Maybe this could help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nF76NMQ9JA&ab_channel=MoralisWeb3 if you get CORS errors

Just watching now, its COEP error but I assume you took it into consideration :slight_smile: Just a suggestion if you may add link to a source code that would be wonderful as you were doing at early beggingโ€™s :smiley: I mean on YT

Iโ€™m getting strange error while retrieving PAID price via :

                        var options = {
                            address: address_from_info
                        var price = await Moralis.Web3API.token.getTokenPrice(options);

Error: [object Object]
at handleError (RESTController.js:437)
at async makeArrV2 (query.js:473)

all other tokens get correct price, with the same method, is it connected with token address change? Of course I use new SDK to get token address using

await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances();

this is response im getting:

  1. balance: โ€œ44500000000000000000โ€
  2. decimals: โ€œ18โ€
  3. logo: โ€œhttps://cdn.moralis.io/eth/0x1614f18fc94f47967a3fbe5ffcd46d4e7da3d787.pngโ€
  4. name: โ€œPAID Networkโ€
  5. symbol: โ€œPAIDโ€
  6. thumbnail: โ€œhttps://cdn.moralis.io/eth/0x1614f18fc94f47967a3fbe5ffcd46d4e7da3d787_thumb.pngโ€
  7. token_address: โ€œ0x1614f18fc94f47967a3fbe5ffcd46d4e7da3d787โ€

and from your SDK it gets correct token address, any ideas?

I did also these steps, someone will contact me or? I would love to announce partnership in future with Moralis

Please open a new thread for price issue, closing this thread as itโ€™s a separate issue

Letโ€™s keep 1 thread = 1 issue so its easy to find solutions for future users