10K and even 50 NFTs attempt = Error [ERR FR MAX BODY LENGTH EXCEEDED]: Request body larger than maxBodyLength limit

Thank you for the great explanation
it’s good you brought the ERC721A as i was reading about it.
Unfortunately i dont think opensea exchange or other have start using it.
Do you think gas fee on ERC1155 would be cheaper than ERC21 for releasing a collection of 10.000 Nfts ?

It is an ERC721 standard. Therefore Opensea accepts it without problems. In fact, my contract is of that type and there is no problem with it.

If you are concerned about gas consumption, you will have to use an ERC721A to easily mine the amount of NFTs you want. This is the obvious choice if the NFTs are all different.

If the metadata of your NFTs is the same for all of them, you can create an ERC1155. The balance is irrelevant because you can alter it whenever and however you want.

If you are still suspicious of this ERC721A contract, let the user pay for the mining. Have the metadata ready and in your daap and prepare a buy function that mines that NFT on the fly.

This is how it was being done. You could not mine large amounts of NFTs with the ERC721.